Microneedling Treatment London

Everything you need to know about Microneedling

Achieving rejuvenated, more youthful-looking skin has become one of the most popular reasons for skin and cosmetic treatments.

Even with a disciplined diet and exercise regime, keeping skin fresh and youthful can still be a challenge. Microneedling can provide a simple solution, in addition to positive lifestyle choices, to give your skin a younger, more vibrant look with ease.

To help you understand this cosmetic treatment in more detail, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Microneedling. We’ll include everything from what they are, their safety, side effects and cost. 

We hope that you find this guide helpful. If you would like to book a treatment with our experienced aesthetic professionals, contact our team to book a consultation.

What are Microneedling and Growth Factors?

Simply put, Microneedling is the mechanical insertion of extremely fine, short, sterilised needles into the skin for rejuvenation. Topical local anaesthetic is applied to the skin before the Microneedling. Next, the AnteAge® Growth Factors are applied to the face, and the Microneedling is then carried out to ensure the Growth Factors reach the deep part of the skin (Dermis). For more about microneedling with growth factors, visit our blog.

In our clinic, we use the most advanced Microneedling devices available today. This is very different to regular Microneedling treatments as they are medical grade, bespoke and personally carried out by Dr Apul Parikh himself. Microneedling treatments may need a few sessions depending on the skin concerns and skin quality however, after a detailed consultation, you will be advised the best course of treatment for you.

What areas can I have treated?

Microneedling is most commonly used on the face. The treatment is applied to all facial areas, apart from directly onto the eye lids and around the soft tissue under the eyes. The roller is used across the cheeks, side of the temple, chin and forehead.

In addition to facial concerns, microneedling can occasionally be used to treat stretch marks in other body areas. For example, one study found that microneedling was effective for stretch marks on the thighs and abdominal area when combined with fillers. Speak to one of our microneedling specialists about the treatment you desire and whether or not the chosen area will be suitable.

How long do results last?

This question can be challenging to answer as it varies depending on several factors and can vary from person to person. The duration of the results will depend on two factors; how long new collagen lasts in your skin and the degree of your skin concerns.

In general, you can expect the results of your Microneedling treatment to last for roughly three to five months. Top-up treatments can help to make your results last longer and are recommended by our team

Does Microneedling hurt?

Although the concept of making small tears in the skin may sound painful, while you may still feel a sensation similar to scratching, you shouldn’t experience any actual discomfort.

The bony areas of the face may cause slightly more discomfort during your microneedling treatment, however, this is still tolerated and comfortable for most. If you require local anaesthetic prior to treatment, speak to one of our practitioners.

How long does the treatment take?

Following the last question, you’ll also be pleased to know that treatments are usually quick. Treatments typically take around 20-30 mins. Depending on the number of areas being treated and the size of the area, the treatment duration could be shorter or longer.

When will I see the results of my treatment?

As this treatment uses your body’s natural healing process to produce new cells and encourage collagen and elastin production, there is a slight wait while the body’s healing properties do their magic.

As soon as the deepest layers of your skin are pierced by the tiny needles, “micro-wounds” will form. These will be too small to see with the naked eye and will not cause any serious pain. This then triggers your natural wound-healing process to mend your micro-wounds as soon as possible. You will experience the most dramatic results of the treatment at around four to six weeks following the procedure.

Are there any side effects of Microneedling?

You’ll be pleased to know that, unlike other aesthetic treatments, there are a few temporary side effects to be aware of with microneedling.

Microneedling can cause short-term swelling, redness, and skin flaking, lasting only a few days following treatment. Most people return to work and wear regular makeup within 48 hours of treatment.

How much does Microneedling cost?

The cost of this treatment depends entirely on the area being treated and the number of treatments. Please speak to one of our specialists to book a consultation and a total cost breakdown for the look you want to achieve.

As results last typically between three to five months, we would advise you to book top-up sessions in advance to maintain your results.

Choose an experienced aesthetic specialist for your Microneedling with Growth Factors

Dr Apul Parikh has vast experience performing Microneedling treatments for clients and patients for over 16 years. At our clinic in central London, we use the latest microneedling technology, including Growth factors, to enhance your results and final glow.

Our priority is to ensure that you enjoy a comfortable treatment and have confidence in your results. Our subtle style ensures that patients look fresh and rejuvenated following every treatment we perform.

Get in touch with Dr Apul Parikh to book a consultation with a medical specialist and discuss your aesthetic goals in detail.