What to expect from Anti-Wrinkle Injections

What to expect from your
Anti-Wrinkle Treatment: Before, During, & After

When it comes to anti-wrinkle treatments, and injectable treatments in general, it is totally natural to be unsure before your session. Many people are put off by injections, especially when they are anywhere near their face. 

At our specialist injectables clinic in London, providing you with peace of mind that your treatment is being delivered in a professional and patient-focused manner is one of our main priorities.

In this guide we’ll be outlining what you can expect before, during and after your anti-wrinkle session to give you peace of mind and awareness of what’s to come. We hope you find the information below helpful in understanding this treatment in more detail.

If you would like to book a treatment with our experienced injectable professionals, contact our team to book a consultation.

How to prepare for your Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Proper preparation is the first step to ensuring that your treatment goes as smoothly as possible. Our first recommendation would be to ensure you’ve eaten something before your treatment. Even though we aim to make your experience pain-free, you may have some nerves before your injections. By avoiding low blood sugar, you will feel mentally and physically ready for your treatment.

We recommend avoiding the use of makeup for up to 24 hours before your treatment where possible. When you enter the treatment room we want your skin to be clean and clear of anything that might interfere with the injection site.

Avoiding alcohol for up to 24 hours before your treatment is also an important thing to consider. We would recommend booking your treatment away from any events or days where a drink may be tempting. This will help to prevent bruising and minimise your chances of this after your treatment.

Finally, although our practitioners will outline the procedure in detail, it is always helpful to write down any questions you may have about your treatment to be asked before the injections take place. This way you will give yourself and your practitioner the best opportunity to provide you with the peace of mind that you are in safe and reputable hands.

What to expect during your treatment

When you arrive at the clinic, your practitioner will greet you, explain the procedure to you in detail, and allow you to ask any questions you may have. You will then be escorted to the treatment area, where you will be examined thoroughly, and the Doctor will then explain his findings. During treatment, you will be positioned on a comfortable treatment bed. You can make yourself comfortable and ready for your treatment during this time.

Although most patients consider the treatment pain-free, some people have some issues with needles so topical anaesthetic can be administered during this time should you need it. If not, your practitioner will ask you to relax as they administer your treatment. Treatments are usually quick, taking around 30-45 minutes depending on the number of areas being treated and the size of the area being treated. The duration of your treatment might be shorter or longer depending on these factors.

Anti-wrinkle injections work by blocking the signals from the nerves to your muscles. Once the injection has been completed, the muscle will no longer have the ability to contract. By doing this, your wrinkles gradually relax and, as a result, soften the skin, and your treatment will be complete.

Aftercare for Anti-Wrinkle Injections

With most injectable treatments, there are a few side effects, although nothing major that won’t subside in the days following your treatment. Anti-wrinkle procedures must always be performed by someone with extensive training and experience that can safely perform the procedure.

The side effects that should be expected following your treatment include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

Side effects often reduce over the coming days and do not prevent you from returning to work or other daily activities. However, staying hydrated will help to alleviate the side effects faster. In addition, the medical professional administering your treatment will be able to provide more information on how to deal with these common side effects.

For more information about full aftercare for this treatment, you will find our Aftercare Guide for Anti-Wrinkle Injections extremely helpful.

Choose an experienced injectables specialist for your next Anti-wrinkle treatment in London

Dr Apul Parikh has vast experience performing anti-wrinkle injectable treatments for clients and patients for over 16 years. The unique technique used is a Pan Facial approach to subtly balance the face’s features alongside your natural beauty.

Our priority is to ensure that you enjoy a comfortable treatment and have confidence in your results. Our subtle style ensures that patients look fresh and rejuvenated following every treatment we perform.

Get in touch with Dr Apul Parikh to book a consultation with a medical injectable specialist and discuss your aesthetic goals in detail.